Moment of Truth

On her website, Karen Kingsbury discusses the show, "The Moment of Truth." After seeing the previews, her kids wanted to watch it. Even though she didn't want them to, they all agreed to watch the 1st episode together. Here's her response:

When the show was over, Don and I talked to the kids about the Bible and how God is clear that people cannot serve both God and money. God asks us to love one another, to encourage and uplift one another, and to think of others as better than ourselves.

This new reality show asks people to do the exact opposite – all for the love of money. I’m not sure what will become of this trainer and his marriage, his job, or his personal life but I know this:
He was willing to sell it all for the sake of cold, hard cash.

As we talked about the show and the Bible, a light began to dawn in the eyes of each of our kids. “Wow . . . you’re right, Mom,” our oldest said. “This really is a terrible show.”
“Yeah,” our middle son said. “When you think about it, they’re coming on the show because they care more about money than the people closest to them.”


In our greedy, realty-crazed culture, it is difficult not to watch as someone takes the contestant’s chair and sets about selling out their family and friends. It’s so horrific, we can barely look away. But as a society, as believers in Jesus Christ, we must choose to look away, to not glorify a life that is in direct opposition to God’s calling for us to love.

For our family, the Moment of Truth was a great reminder that we are not to trample the people God has placed in our lives. We are to love them more than ourselves. Let’s agree to take a stand today against this type of ultimate greed. Let’s counter the message of the Moment of Truth with an extra bit of kindness and generosity, an effort at even more encouragement as we go through this week.

Because only when we understand God’s directive to love one another, will we really find ourselves in a moment of truth.

Wow! Nobody else could've said it better!

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