It's the Thought that Counts...

Several weeks before Valentine's Day, I told David that I might like to have a massage for V-Day. I've never had one and honestly, have never wanted one. I'm not too keen on the idea of getting naked and being rubbed on by someone who's not my husband. Not to mention that I'm very sensitive and I generally don't like to be touched-no manicures, pedicures, etc... BUT, since I've been teaching this year, I've started having major issues with my neck and back from bending over a table all day. See, since I'm a reading teacher, I don't stand up all day to teach. I have 5 students at a time and we're all sitting down. Since they're little and I'm not, my table is low so I have to strain my neck and back to get down to their level. I thought a massage might help.

Anyway, 2 days before V-Day, David says, "We're not getting each other anything for V-day, right?" I reminded him of the massage but then said forget it because I'd really like to have some new pj's instead. He replies that he won't have time to go shopping before then. You know what's going on in my mind, right?!? V-Day comes every year and it's always on February 14th so he's known this was coming for the past 364 days since the last one!!! So, I go back to the massage idea because it's through the YMCA, which would require him to not even have to leave the building. He calls me during the day on V-day itself and asks me if I want 30 min. or 1 hr. so I assume I'm getting a massage. We went out to dinner that night and the day comes and goes and still no sign of a gift massage. The next day goes by the same way so I finally asked and he tells me it's on his desk.

Needless to say, here it is March 3rd and I have yet to see a gift certificate for a massage! So, finally, I told him to forget it and I'd just buy myself something, as usual! It's a good thing that it's the thought that counts, huh?!?

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