
Believe it or not, I didn't take a single picture at Thanksgiving this year! We went to Reidsville and I took my camera, but I totally forgot to even get it out and use it! We did something new this year that I want to make an annual tradition. DD, Carter, and I delivered meals to the needy on Thanksgiving morning. What a wonderful feeling to help others. I was truly hoping Carter would get that feeling, too and I think he did. He wasn't really looking forward to going, but he actually enjoyed it. He even made cards to give to people. He was so excited to hand them their meals and told them "Happy Thanksgiving." I always take the boys to pick out stuff for the shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child every year, but I've been looking for other ways to help show them how to give back throughout the year. This is one we will definitely adopt! We got done just in time to eat lunch at David's parents. My mom even joined us! Then, we had dinner with my family. Our story to remember this year is that my sister, Sandra, put the sweet potato casserole that I made in the oven WITH the PLASTIC lid still on it! Needless to say, it tasted like plastic and we had to throw it out! We all got a good laugh!

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