More Cooper Stories

I have to update everyone on Cooper's latest antics! The last time we were at my sister's house, he took a pen and wrote all over the soft screen of their fairly new flat-screen computer! I was so afraid we were going to have to buy them a new computer! Luckily, they got it all off. Don't you ever wonder why your kids do things like this at other people's houses, but that he never once tried to write on our ancient computer that I would have been more than happy to throw out??? Thank goodness, we have a new one now anyway!

Also, he was watching Toy Story one evening and when Buzz and Woody started fighting and Woody told Buzz to "shut up," I heard him say, "No, Woody, you shut up!" Ok...that's one complaint that I have about the Disney movies! I thought about it and decided not to say anything b/c I didn't want to draw attention to it. Well, that was a big mistake! When I picked him up at preschool the next day, Ms. Becky said that he was telling everyone to shut up all day long! So, we had the talk about it. That same afternoon, he got in trouble for something and I spanked him. He looked at me and said, "You shut up, you shut your mouth!" Oh, no...needless to say, he got yet another spanking, a time-out, AND a little soap in his mouth! He hasn't said it since! Carter asked him if the soap tasted good and Cooper said no so Carter said, "Well, I guess you won't say shut-up anymore!" This, coming from our child who is 6 years old and whom I have never heard the words "shut-up" come out of his mouth!

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