Our Little Patient

Well, we thought we had our 1st broken bone and still aren't too sure yet! On Thursday night, Carter was playing playstation and Cooper jumped on top of him. Carter rolled him off of his back, but he rolled right off of the bed. He cried ALL night long and wouldn't use his right arm. We thought it was just a nurse maid's elbow like he's had once before, right after we moved here, so we decided to wait and see how he was in the morning. He was still screaming about it on Friday morning, so I took him to the doctor. She tried popping it back into place, but he still wasn't better, so she sent us to the hospital for x-rays. They were all negative, so she wanted us to come back to the office to put him in a sling. She said it doesn't matter what the x-rays say, if he's not better by Monday, she's sending us to an orthopedic anyway. At this point, he's still not using his arm and still crying if you get near it. So, we'll see what happens in the next day or so. We all know that it is highly unusual for Cooper to just lay around and do nothing. When he hurt his arm before, he was using it and playing that same night. So, please say a little prayer for him. Here's a picture of our little patient with his dinosaur sling and the puppy they gave him at the hospital.

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