The end of my rope!

Here's a picture of the boys before we went to the church service. How can someone so cute act so ugly???

Ok.......I've always heard that when you get to the end of your rope, you tie a knot and hang on, but I'm hanging on by a thread here!

Cooper and I went out to eat with Grandmommy, Laurie, and Elizabeth tonight after the Family Christmas Service at their church. Cooper was absolutely TERRIBLE and I was MORTIFIED! He wouldn't eat, wouldn't sit in a regular chair or highchair and finally decided to get down and crawl around on the floor before taking off running from me around the restaurant! NO pops, warnings, or threats worked.

I remember watching people, like myself, before I had kids, and thinking "I would not allow my child to act like that!" Well, now I'm one of them and I totally feel their pain! I don't think that it's my parenting skills, it's just Cooper's personality traits. The reason I think this is because we have raised him no different than we've been raising Carter and he did NOT act like this!

We were supposed to go to Laurie's house afterwards so Cooper and Elizabeth could play, but instead I took him straight home. When we got here, I immediately took all his clothes off and wore his cute little butt out and very firmly explained how he would not ever run from me, hit at me, or tell me no again. He said "yes, m'am." Hmmm, we'll see how long this lasts...

Anyway, if anyone else out there has a little Cooper and has any ideas for me, please send them my way! I will gladly take advice!

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