Merry Christmas!

We went to Reidsville on Tuesday and spent the night with David's parents. Grandmommy let us all open our stockings from she & DD that night!

On Christmas Eve, we went to Papa's and exchanged gifts with him. Then, we all went to Nana's for lunch and more gifts! After reading the Christmas story like we always do (that would be me TRYING to read it as I'm choking up & fighting back tears), we played some fun Christmas games and I gave out prizes! Macy was so much fun this year! She wouldn't have anything to do with me for awhile b/c she just wanted Mommy or Daddy, but now she's my girl! Of course, it's also Nana's birthday, so we celebrated that, too!

After that, we headed back to Thomasville to go to our Christmas Eve service at church. Then, it was back home to open the traditional gift of Christmas Eve. The boys get to pick which one they want to open. Not knowing what it was, they chose to open a trio that was packaged together for the 2 of them. Imagine their surprise to discover a Wii, game & remote! They worked hard for a whole year and ended up saving $150 so Daddy & I chipped in the rest to purchase it all! After making sure Santa & his reindeer were taken care of, saying our goodbyes to Herbie the Elf & tracking Santa's whereabouts, it was off to bed.

Carter was the first one awake on Christmas morning, but thankfully, not until 7:45! They were excited to find that Santa had come and quickly discovered the things he had left and what he stuffed in their stockings and on to opening the other gifts.

We spent the day playing the Wii and enjoying the other games & toys. In the afternoon, David's family came over for yet another round of gift exchanges and dinner. My top 3 favorite gifts this year were my very soft pink robe from my hubby, my pink argyle sweater and the bedroom lamps, both from David's parents! But, most of all, it's the joy that I feel to be so blessed in having a big, happy, healthy family!

We had a great time with all of our family! I'm exhausted and not feeling good anyway, but still very happy and blessed. I always get a little (okay, more than a little) depressed to see it all end. On top of all of the excitement of my favorite holiday being over, it always saddens me to think that another year has passed and my precious boys are growing way too fast and all too soon, it will all be a distant memory. But, I'm enjoying it while it lasts!

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."
Luke 2:14
Merry Christmas!

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