New Candidate...

I am so sick of hearing about John McCain and Barack Obama. To be perfectly honest, I'm not crazy about either of them. Voting is a personal opinion, just like whether you like pizza or not and I choose not to share my opinions on here. Whoever wins, this is history in the making.

A good friend of mine gave me a beautiful silver bangle bracelet for my birthday that reminded me of a very important message: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Therefore, it doesn't really matter what I think or even who wins because God is in control. He always has been, still is today, and always will be! He is ultimately the only President I care about and who cares about me, the only one who doesn't tell lies and make empty promises to get ahead, and the only one I'll choose to follow. He won't be here for just the next 4 years, or 8, but for eternity. How could I possibly put my faith in anyone else?!?

With that being said, on a lighter note, we've decided to endorse a new candidate for Presidency...

I'm Renee Pollock and I approve this message.


Nathan, Laurie, Elizabeth & Emily said...

I'll vote for him! Where on earth did the life size Mr. Wuf come from?

Happy Birthday- just in case my wonderful brother didn't tell you I called. :)

MommyTeeJay said...

Girlfriend...I couldn't agree with you more!! I told my mother-n-law today that I cannot wait for November 4th to be over!! As you can imagine, thats all we talk about in my house, all I see on tv and commercials and all the phone calls I get. God is 100% in control!! Hope you had a great birthday!!!!
