Happy Birthday, Cooper!

My baby is 4 years old! Cooper woke up to the traditional balloons on his door. On their actual birthday, they get a big chocolate chip cookie and they get to open their gift from us and from each other. We gave him a radio controlled monster truck and Carter gave him lots of little things that he picked out: a book, a Buzz Lightyear kite, a lights & sounds sword & blaster, and a Ben 10 toy. They each chose Madagascar 2 cupcakes for their classes. David & I both went to Cooper's little party at his preschool today. They also get to choose where they want to go for dinner. Cooper's restaurant of choice...........Taco Bell!

So, what can I say about Cooper? He is definitely one of a kind! He keeps us on our toes because he has always been one that you have to watch every second. If not, I can guarantee you that he's doing something he's not supposed to be doing. There have been countless stories over the years of his little shenanigans. But, he is so stinkin' cute that you absolutely cannot stay mad at him. Especially since he is usually quick to apologize with a hug, a kiss, and an I love you!

That being said, Cooper is certainly not a mean child, just one who is very curious about things. He is imaginative and I love watching him role-play. He likes to play with the Ben 10 toys and any kind of cars or animals. His favorite birthday gifts were his Webkinz and Playmobile vehicles.

Cooper's favorite color is green (notice the green writing on his cookie & he also had green candles). It's funny because all of his friends at preschool know this and they always offer Cooper the green things, like green eggs during the egg hunt, green markers, etc...

He loves to read and you can often find him in his room reading with all of the books off of his shelf and spread out around him. He also likes doing puzzles.

Cooper is definitely my little cuddler. I LOVE the fact that he still enjoys hugging, kissing, and snuggling with me while watching tv or reading a book. He walks by and gives me hugs and kisses all day long and I'm enjoying every second of it.

He is a little candy monster and his entire diet would consist of it if we let him.

He is so smart and already knows how to write his name along with recognizing most of his letters and numbers. He knows how to log into the computer and go to his favorite websites to play games.

His athletic abilities are through the roof, which he obviously gets from his Daddy. He scores goals in soccer left and right, he can hit a ball off of the T or being pitched to, and he can even play basketball on the big goal. He loves to go outside and play football with Daddy, Carter or the neighborhood kids.

He has never been a good sleeper. I guess he takes this after his big brother. He loves his big brother and he thinks he can do everything that Carter does. I'm so glad that they enjoy playing together and that they love each other.

Cooper is one of the lights of my life and he is such a joy to me every day! I am so thankful that God has blessed me with 2 healthy, precious boys to love and nurture. So, a very Happy # 4 to my little love bug!

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