Heigh, Ho, Heigh, Ho....

It's back to work I go! Life as I know it is over! It's not that I mind going back to work. It's just that I'm such a night owl and I've been staying up until midnight and sleeping until 8-9am, so 6 am is going to come really early in the morning! I also dread getting back to a fast paced routine and schedule.

So much for lazy days of summer...those kinds of days were rare, but enjoyable when they came. I had a wonderful summer and hate to see it end. I get seasonally depressed when the cold weather hits and I become a hermit. Anyway, we did lots of fun things this summer and I was able to get together with almost all of my closest friends at least once.

Our summer was fun-filled with: the NeedtoBreathe concert with Tiffany, Dan Nicholas Park with Tonya and her kids, Pump it Up with Wende and her kids, Chuck E. Cheese with Kelli and her kids, dinner with Jill and Christy, dinner with my cousins, crops with my scrapbookin' friends, several family birthday parties, free movies each week with friends, lunches with friends, pool with Mason and Jill and her kids, library storytimes with Heather and her kids, play dates with Holly and her kids, bowling with Jill and kids, dinner with Heather, church activities, VBS, soccer camp, basketball camp, beach, trips to Reidsville, all sports camp, swimming lessons, basketball games...I'm sure I've left someone or something out and if so, I apologize! And, oh yeah, I read THIRTEEN books this summer! Just know that we had a great time everywhere we went! We are blessed to have so many friends and we enjoy being with each and every one! Thanks for such a wonderful summer! Now, all I need is "more time..."

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