Teacher Appreciation Week

This is Teacher Appreciation Week so if you haven't thanked your children's teachers in some way, you should! Being a teacher, trust me, it is much deserved and much appreciated by us!

I can't even begin to describe how wonderful it is to teach in Davidson County! I taught in Rockingham County for 4 years where you were lucky to get a pat on the back and the working conditions were miserable! Well, not so here! This is what all they've done for us this week:

Monday: Krispy Kreme doughnuts and juice
free drink and snack of choice (drinks had labels saying how "refreshing" it is to work with us!)

Tuesday: M&M's were in our boxes with labels saying they appreciate us "more & more" (get it?)
Lunch from Subway

Wednesday: Ice cream sundaes

Thursday: Ham and sausage biscuits and juice
animal crackers were in our boxes with labels saying "This place would be a zoo without you!"
1 hour of comp time

Friday: raffle bag drawing
goodie bags
chips & dip

Who wouldn't want to work in a place that shows that much appreciation?!?

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