When Life Gives You Lemons...


Carter and his fellow 1st graders performed in the PTO program on Thursday night. The title was "Lemonade" and the theme was the woes of all the fairy tale characters and basically how to make the best out of a bad situation. It was adorable. They sang the cutest songs. They all had to dress up like fairy tale characters. Carter was a cow. He hated it and was embarassed to wear his hat. He had a speaking part and he wore it while he was speaking, but took it off the rest of the time. I don't understand why because all of the other kids were dressed up, too. Oh, well. I thought it was cute, but of course, I'm partial!

1 comment:

Kendra Haneline said...

I think it's an age thing. Chandler was the same way with their 2nd grade Christmas performance. He was a chinese dragon & he was embarassed to wear the costume. They are all into this "I want to be cool & wear cool clothes" phase. that will probably only get worse.