Happy Birthday!

Saturday was Carter's 7th birthday, so he woke up to Star Wars balloons on his door and his gifts from us and Cooper. Cooper will be 3 on May 1st. Since their birthdays are so close, we've been having their party together. Since he's the oldest, Carter had a choice of where he wanted to have the party and out of all the places, he chose the Y because he wanted to swim and play basketball. Both boys have really gotten into Star Wars lately, but we had already planned on having a basketball theme. All of the Star Wars toys they got surely made up for it. Cooper wouldn't get in the pool, but he enjoyed everything else. They played basketball until everyone arrived, they swam next, then they ate pizza, opened presents, and played more basketball! I think everyone had a great time! I know we did! Their parties are so much fun to plan, but they are equally fun and stressful for me during it! I didn't even get a picture of me and David with the boys or of them with David's parents! Anyway, we are extremely blessed to have so many loving family and friends! The boys can now practically open their own toy store! We spent most of the day on Sunday watching Star Wars and opening all of the new toys. I have to admit, it's just as much fun for me as it is for them...I love playing with all the new toys!

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