Out of the mouths of babes:

Our pastor started a wonderful series this morning about money entitled "How to be Rich." All of the Sunday school teachers are also doing the same topic. Considering our church has about 800 or so members, that ought to be a huge impact. It's very interesting because it's not about tithing, it's just about money issues in general and how it affects people and marriages, etc. Our motto this morning was, "God has given me more than I need, I am rich." That really had a big impact on me because it's very true. God hasn't always blessed me with everything I want, but he has definitely blessed me with all that I need. My problem is that I get greedy and I always want more---more clothes, more scrapbook stuff, more house stuff, more stuff for the kids, just more stuff in general! Don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean that I just keep getting stuff. I typically only buy the amount of clothes that we need to get us through a season. I truly don't have many clothes compared to most people, although I'm sure I have a lot compared to others. For example, I'm not the type to have shoes to match every outfit in every color. That doesn't mean I don't want to, I'm just usually only able to afford the basic black and brown to go w/everything. That's one great thing about summer...$2 flip-flops! I can't help it, I just like NEW stuff and I get tired of things too easily. I guess it's human nature, but it's still sinful and yes, God is still working on me. That's a big area of weakness for me and thank goodness, God isn't finished with me yet. Anyway, if you're interested in seeing how awesome our church is or hearing any of the money stuff, just go to www.richfork.com.

I got off track, but my point of this posting was to tell you something funny Carter said. At the end of the sermon, we were all given plastic "silverware" to eat with this week to remind us how "rich" we are. When we got home, Carter said, "Oh, no, mama, we didn't get Cooper a silver wax!"

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