
Well, I'm happy to report that it only took 3 or 4 nights of locking Cooper's door for him to stay in his bed! He now falls asleep and stays in his own bed with his door open all night!!!!!!!! Although, he occasionally gets up and gets in the bed with Carter!

Carter is being an excellent student, as usual! He has started riding the bus home in the afternoons so I can put Cooper down for a nap. He enjoys that and has informed me that he no longer needs me to stand outside and wait for him to come in!

Cooper only cried for about the 1st week of going into preschool and now, he loves it! He puts his backpack on and walks in like a big boy every day! When I picked him up the other day, he hugged me and I noticed his pants were wet. Mrs. Christy said, "Oh, he just went to the potty." I said, "Are you sure you're talking about Cooper????????" Our son, who has had NO interest in going to the potty at home?!? She said that he has been going at preschool the whole time. Hmmmmmmm..........news to us! The only problem is that they teach him to use it sitting down, which I hate! I didn't train Carter that way and I've never understood why people do that b/c that's not what boys do-----they stand up! Oh, well...at least he's going!

As for my job, I am enjoying getting out of the house and feeling important again. Not that being a full-time mother is not important, because that's the most important job I will ever have. But, this gives me a different feeling. I really do like my job, but it is incredibly intense and involved. I go to work everyday, trying to fit an 8 hour day into just 4 hours and it doesn't work. I always end up going early, staying late, and bringing work home. I think it may get better after I've gotten the hang of things. At least, I hope so. I'm keeping an open mind because I still view this job as such a blessing and I'm so thankful for it. And, we all know that God never gives us more than we can handle.

Anyway, I had my 1st emotional breakdown the other day b/c I was feeling incredibly overwhelmed with all of the work that I need to do and I left work in tears. Of all days, Cooper decided he wasn't going to take a nap that day. And, as if things couldn't get any worse, the bus drove right by our house and didn't even stop which means Carter didn't get off! I was freaking out! I called the school and David, once again in tears, and had called a neighbor who works close by to come and stay at the house in case Carter came home while I went to look for him. While I was waiting for her, the bus came back and dropped him off. She said that she just forgot b/c she's not used to stopping at our house. Gee, thanks!

So, that's the story of our lives at the moment!

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