Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho........

It's off to work I go!

Well, for those that may not know, I have taken a part-time job as a Title I Reading Specialist at Silver Valley Elementary School, working Mon. thru Fri. from 8-12. This job is such a blessing and the story of how it came about will explain why:

I had high hopes of working at Cooper's preschool so we'd be on the same schedule and it's very convenient to home. I had already talked to the director (Blair) and she was supposed to call in June. In the meantime, I went for the Title I interview with Gail and left not wanting the job b/c I didn't really want to work 20 hrs. a week, the location/distance was unknown, and there seemed to be a lot of extra staff development hrs., too. After a week or so, I prayed all day long on a Thurs. for God to show me what gift he had given me to help support our family but still be here for the kids. On Friday, Gail called to tell me I had the job and that she'd call next week w/details. I said "Ok, God, that's not the answer I was looking for so let me see what else I can do" and hung up and called preschool. Blair had gone home. I called back Mon. morning and she had stepped out. I left a message and she never called back. Gail called back on Tues. morning w/the details and said she needed an answer by Wed. afternoon. I called the preschool a 3rd time and was told that Blair was at the beach and would be back next week. So, I said, "Ok, God, I get it! This is the job you want me to have." I got on the phone and worked out preschool, school, and childcare issues and immediately everything just fell into place. I talked to Gail again and she answered all of my questions and relieved all of my fears. I still didn't feel absolutely certain about it so after many emotions, tears, and prayers, I woke up on Wed. morning w/a peace and knew I was making the right decision! I called Gail w/my answer and told her that I felt like this is what God wants me to do. The best part is when she told me that she lifts each candidate up to God and there was just something about me in my interview that told her I'd be perfect for this job. This was obviously already in God's plan, although it wasn't in mine at the time. Yes, I'm a little stubborn and it took Him 3 tries to get through to me! Now, I feel really good about it and I'm excited about what's to come. I hope I love it and if I do or don't, I plan on working as if I'm working for the Lord and doing so to the best of my ability!

Now, about the job......
I've had 2 workdays and I really like the full-time Title I Reading Specialist that I'm working with. We seem to have a lot in common. We share a trailer. But, surprise, I went in today to discover that the school may be getting a new teacher, who will inherit the trailer and we'll be moved to a room that already houses 2 teachers and will need to find room for 2 more!!!!!!! Any of you in Education knows that this is how it goes! You don't get too comfortable in 1 spot b/c you can be moved at any time on a moment's notice. It will all work out for the good. I'm sure there will be many stressful days and tears, but all in all, I'm excited and ready to get started! I'm up for the challenge and ready for this new chapter in my life. Keep me in your prayers as our family adjusts to all of our new schedules and routines.

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