The Cooper Chronicles

This has been an interesting week with Cooper. He has thrown a toy at Carter and hit him in the face leaving a terrible mark and also hit him in the face with a baseball bat. Yes, our 2 year old beats up on our 6 year old! And, on top of that, there's the sleep issues..........

Since our trip to the beach Memorial Weekend, Cooper decided that he didn't want to sleep in his crib anymore. So, every night when he'd cry, his daddy would go and get him, hence spoiling him to sleeping with us for the past couple of months--much to my disapproval! One thing I can't do without is sleep and I certainly don't like for it to be disturbed during the night. So, I decided that Cooper was going back into his crib once we returned home from our beach trip last week--do or die. Since I have to start work then, things have to change in the sleep department. My plan is to have them in bed by 9pm this week, 8:30 next, and 8pm the next so we'll all be ready for school to start.

Oh, by the way, he figured out how to climb out of the pack and play while we were at the beach. So, of course, the first night home, he figures out how to climb out of his crib and comes to bed with me at 4 am, after crying up to that point. The next day, I put one of the safety covers on the inside of his doorknob so he can't get out of his room (I LOVE this child with all of my heart so I'm not really that mean--I just need to sleep!) and I changed his crib into a toddler bed so we wouldn't have any broken bones, at least. All week, he has cried so much during nap and bedtimes that he is very hoarse. What little he has slept has been on the floor directly behind his door. By this point, he doesn't even call my name anymore b/c he knows mommy is NOT coming. He spent all of last night calling "Dabid, come get me out my woom white now." (phonetically speaking, of course!)

Now comes the funny part: Today, I feel horrible for lack of sleep and allergies. But, I decided to take the boys to the library to get us out of the house for a bit since we've had a slow week. When we get there, I get out of the van and looked down to find that I was wearing my bedroom shoes!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, fluffy pink thongs, that luckily look like flip flops! That's what happens when sleep deprivation sets in!

1 comment:

Kendra Haneline said...

The beach seems to do funny things to everyone. It's great while you are there, but you pay the price when you get home. Good luck getting him back on track. I'm battling my own issues with Kensley. Sounds like ya'll had a great time on vacation. I miss it already.