Happy Easter!

"He is not here, he has risen!" Luke 24:6

We went on an Easter Egg Hunt at the Y and Carter brought along his friend, Aiden. Cooper was terrified of the the Easter Bunny, which is why he's not in the picture with him. We went to the beach with Grandmommy and DD. Our friends, the Clarks, were also there. The Easter Bunny found his way to us. He left a trail of bunny paws from the boys' beds to their baskets, along with some "bunny droppings" (black jelly beans)! We all got a good laugh when Cooper asked, "What's that?" and when we answered, "Poop!" he proceeded to pick it up and eat it! Their favorite gifts were Wolfpack and Buzz Lightyear sunglasses, along with their Lightning McQueen shirts!

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