Happy Birthday, Cooper!

"Every good and perfect gift is from above." James 1:17

Cooper is 2 years old! He woke up to 2 balloons, a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse dvd, Little Einsteins cd, and a Buzz Lightyear bubble blower!

Cooper is our little handful! He likes to mess from the time he wakes up until he goes to sleep. He definitely keeps us on our toes, but he is so much fun. If he weren't so cute...............

Cooper's Highlights:
  1. Buzz Lightyear (we watch Toy Story EVERY day). He flies around the house, jumping off of things saying "To infinity and beyond!"
  2. He has a shoe fetish and even likes to sleep in them. Now, he has Buzz sandals so he never wants to take them off!
  3. He loves his big brother and copies everything he does-I guess that's good and bad?!?
  4. It looks like he's going to be our little athlete-he can already hit a t-ball and shoot b-ball among other things!
  5. He likes to read books-his favorite right now is a vintage Mickey Mouse called Barn Dance.
  6. His verbal skills are awesome-he can already carry on a conversation. My favorite things to hear him say are his name-he calls himself "Booper" and he calls Carter "Ta-Ta!"

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