Out of the Mouths of Babes

Kids say the most hilarious things! I was teaching a 2nd grade group today and we were working on words that end with "unk." When I got to d, I asked if "dunk" is a word. One little girl said, "Yes, you know how when you're dating somebody and when you break up with them, you dunk them!" Well, there you go!

On another note, when I took Cooper to the doctor about his arm, his nurse had a beautiful accent-sort of South African or English sounding. I almost asked her where she was from, but decided not to. Yes, this story has a point-stay with me...We have finally settled on a church after visiting around for the past year. I went to Sunday school for the first time this past Sunday and it just so happens that the same nurse was in my class. For some reason, she mentioned that about a year ago, she had an illness that results in leaving your voice with an accent. It's a very rare illness and only 40 people in the U.S. have it. I have NEVER heard of such! I was so interested in it, that I tried searching it on the internet, but I don't know the name of it, so if anyone out there knows anything about it, please tell me! I just think things like that are amazing!

About church, I'm so glad to start feeling like I actually belong again! I really enjoyed my Sunday school class and Carter enjoyed his. We went to church last night, too. I am taking a class about women in the bible and Carter is learning about Bible heroes.

We had a babysitter for the first time here tonight because David and I had to go to a YMCA dinner. Her name is Mandy and the boys called her "Handy Mandy" all night! She lives in our neighborhood, which is great for her to be able to walk here and it's nice knowing her parents are a few houses down. It went really well! They had a great time and played a game where Cooper was a fish and the couch was the water so they kept trying to "catch" him. What a relief for us that everything was great!

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