Summer Fun

Our new pool in our backyard! Carter outgrew the other one so we decided to upgrade!

Well, so much for lazy days of summer! We've been too busy to be lazy! We're doing the summer reading program at the library, Carter is playing basketball on a team at the Y, and we've been to the free movies in High Point! At least it's a fun kind of busy!
The Webbers came for a visit and we went to the playground at Carter's school.
Hanging out with the neighbors!
Cooper's favorite summer treat....popsicles!

Carter got this slip 'n slide for his birthday. He and the neighbors are enjoying playing on it.
Carter & Cooper had a lemonade stand at our yard sale.
Carter and Cooper fell asleep in the recliner just like this!
Playing in the pool, Nemo sprinkler and waterslide at Grandmommy and DD's.

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